April(The Final Hello)

Welcome back!!!.... For the last time.

We've finally arrived to the finish line of our Masters program and what a bitter sweet end it is. The month of April has been filled with research presentations and the cellular mechanisms module. Our last test was two days ago and when I clicked "submit" for the last time I thought back on this unbelievable journey. I couldn't be more thankful for the amazing faculty and staff in the Pharmacology department that made my experience incredible. As I'm typing I'm currently thinking of what kind of cocktail to make for our scheduled "Zoom Happy hour" today. The current global pandemic hasn't put a damper on our ability to have fun. 

Self-isolation has really become the new normal. Meetings and conference calls on Zoom have been ingrained into my new routines. I really am intrigued to see how the world will operate when we slowly phase back into a new brand of "normal". A part of my new normal is my new son! Well, kind of... I adopted a puppy. He has been quite the ball of energy and definitely been a breath of fresh air when I'm not submerged into my MCAT studies. Our Endocrinology class has taught me a thing or two about the importance of stress management and findings different ways to cope. And that's just one of the many foundational pieces this program has groomed me in. As I prepare medical school applications and for my future I have complete confidence that this one year has aided my tremendously. 

Toward the end of the month, I managed to squeak some volunteer hours in amidst the chaos of the pandemic. I was able to volunteer at the Tulane Cancer Center. Interacting with patients and discussing potential treatment plans reaffirmed that I am on the right path. Seeing the joy on the patients faces upon hearing good news and progress is a priceless feeling I hope to spark one day! I know everyone in the 2020 cohort are on the same mission as me. To serve, support, and empower healthy lifestyles in our community!

If you're reading this thinking about applying for the program, or have already applied or been accepted.... You're making the right choice for your future.

All the best,

Jordon Coward... Future M.D.


  1. Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from. Affordable dental treatment is a big concern for many. Have you considered looking into purchasing medications online safely. It could be a way to cut down on costs without sacrificing quality care.


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