
Showing posts from March, 2020

February 2020

Hey! Welcome back! First off let me say Happy Black History Month! For being the shortest month, February was really action packed. A month full of research, presentations, tests, and preparation for the shelf exam that's in a couple of weeks. And I must say the shelf exam has my nerves in shambles. Even though in my time in this program I have honed my preparation skills, the sheer volume of the total curriculum can be overwhelming at times.  I made sure to fully digest the information that we've learned in the past two modules. Neurology and Psychiatric pharmacology weren't really on my radar before but I found them to be strikingly interesting, specifically schizophrenia. I was amazed on how misinformed I was on the topic of schizophrenia. I found myself removing all the misconceptions of this disorder from my brain. This module opened my eyes and pushed me to be a bigger advocate for mental health issues.  February was not only packed fulled of information bu