
Showing posts from December, 2019

December 2019

December hours: 2 Total Fall Semester hours: 13 Well… We did it! My first semester of graduate school is complete and now we get some time to step away and breathe. This journey has only reached the halfway point but I’ve already learned so much. Not just from an Pharmacology standpoint but about myself as well. With that being said, I thought I'd leave you with a couple of tips that got me through my journey so far.  1.) Plan ahead and schedule. Mapping out your day to day schedule leaves little room for error. Utilizing each minute of your day leads to a level of preparation that no inconvenience could stymie. Good luck is a residue of preparation! 2.) If you don’t know, ask questions. Whether it’s a professor, student or tutor, make sure to seek out answers to any confusion. 3.) It’s ok to let your brain relax sometimes. Graduate school can be stressful at times but it’s not an impossible feat. Meditate, find a hobby, or anything that will allow your brain to recharge. 4.